
De Lillois Fractale Wiki
Révision datée du 11 décembre 2009 à 14:23 par Pge (discussion | contributions)
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<metakeywords> Janimava,Java animation,Janimava language</metakeywords>

Janimava is an animation language based on Java : animation in java -> Janimava.

It is reachable for janimava.matscape.com .

An online IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is part of the web site ! This allows anyone to create new animations and to quickly integrate them in  applications, web sites or wikis.

The first version of Janimava is published in December 2009.

Numerous examples are visible in the site gallery, but here are some integrated in this wiki (they demonstrate interesting examples of animated applet integrated in mediawiki):


<janimava anim="Oscilloscope" width="400" height="400">vladlinput</janimava>


<janimava anim="ZeKlok" width="400" height="400">vladlinput</janimava>


<janimava anim="Functions" width="400" height="400">vladlinput</janimava>